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Welcome to
NAPS Branch 146
About NAPS
The National Association of Postal Supervisors (NAPS) is a management association, not a union. NAPS provides representation to Supervisors, Managers and Postmasters as well as keeping our members updated on postal policy, legislation, local district news and what's happening in Headquarters. We are committed to promote the welfare of our members, in cooperation with the USPS and other federal agencies, in an ongoing effort to improve service, raise efficiency standards, and widen opportunities for our members.
NAPS represents over 35,000 active and retired supervisors, managers and postmasters who work for or who retired from the United States Postal Service. NAPS represents the overwhelming majority of first-line supervisors who work both in facilities where postal employees process mail and where they deliver mail. Our membership also includes other mid-level and senior managers in every functional area of the Postal Service, including marketing, finance, human resources and maintenance, to name a few. For a "Historical Sketch" of NAPS, click here!
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