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Meet Your Officers

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Michael LeCounte


Michael began his postal career over 25 years ago at the Miami P& DC (GMF) as automation clerk. In the late 90's, he completed the Associate Supervisor Program, was promoted to Supervisor, Distribution Operations and joined NAPS. Over the years, he has served as Plant Vice President, Acting Branch President and Executive Vice President. Prior to his retirement, he held positions as Acting Manager Distribution Oprns, Automation, Platform, Red Cage, and Express Mail, Supervisor. He has a combined postal and military time of 30+ years. He is willing and ready to put his knowledge to work for you.

Patricia Nolan


Pat began her Postal career in March 1981 as an LSM clerk. She switched to Special Delivery Messenger in 1984 and was detailed into the Training Department in 1996. She joined NAPS in 1998 upon her promotion to Human Resources Specialist, Training (currently retitled Learning, Development and Diversity). After a detail as Delivery Programs Analyst for the South Florida District in Operations Program Support, Pat held the position of Operations Program Specialist when she happily retired in January 2019.

Ann Strickland


Ann has been a Postal Employee for over 35 years. Her present position is that of EEO Dispute Resolution Specialist. Ann has faithfully served as NAPS Branch 146 Treasurer for numerous years and is also NAPS Legislative Director for the State of Florida. She is well known in our NAPS organization as the organizer of NAPS State and National Conventions Walk-a-thons to benefit SPACS.

Carolyn Williams


Carolyn retired from the Postal Service as Manager, Distribution Operations, Tour 3, at the Miami International Service Center in January of 2013 after over 44 years of service! Carolyn became a member of NAPS after her first supervisory position in 1983. She has held EAS positions in Customer Services, Marketing, and Operations. Over her 30+ years as a Branch 146 member, she has served in Executive Board positions as Branch Secretary, Plant Vice President, and Executive Vice President prior to accepting the office of President in February 2010.

Linda Scott

South Area Vice President

Linda began her career at the Biscayne Annex in 1971 as a Postal Assistant while attending college; hired as a PTF in 1974. In 1976, she started as an Acting Supervisor in Mail Processing and in 1977, she joined NAPS after a promotion to Supervisor, Mail Processing at the GMF. She has worked in every operation in Mail Processing and some admin offices. In 1996, she moved to Customer Services via a supervisor exchange program and a Supervisor, C/S. Linda covered as Manager, Country Lakes, Snapper West Station and Quail Heights. Prior to her retirement, she enjoyed her position as Supervisor, C/S Quail Heights and currently, her position as a NAPS officer.

Mike Murphy

Plant Vice President

Mike began his Postal career as a Maintenance employee in January, 1994. He was in the 2nd ASP class, graduating in 1997, has held several EAS positions in both Delivery and Maintenance operations and is currently the Maintenance Engineering Specialist at the Miami P&DC. Prior to that, Mike spent over nine years in the US Army reaching the rank of Captain. Mike retired in 2020, however, during his 40+ years of Federal Service he benefitted from ongoing leadership training which instilled a solid work ethic where morals and strong Christian values are a priority. Now, as a Branch Officer, Mike is serving you, his NAPS brothers and sisters.

Tayloria Mcphee Johnson


Tayloria started in the Postal Service as a City Letter Carrier in 1994. She began covering as a 204-B in Delivery in 1997 and was promoted to Supervisor Customer Services after completing the Associate Supervisor Program (ASP) in 2005. Tayloria is currently a Labor Relations Specialist and has served on detail in the South Florida District as the USPS Representative for the Postal Service on the Dispute Resolution Team. She has been a member of Branch 146 NAPS since 2005. Prior to her employment with the USPS, Tayloria proudly served 11 years in the United States Navy.

Pat Guyton


Patricia started in the Postal Service in February 1974 as a Postal Assistant - a program designed to benefit college students. She continued her service as a Clerk, P&DC and started covering as a Supervisor in 1997. She was promoted to Supervisor, Distribution Operations at the Miami P&DC in 2001 after completing the Associate Supervisor Program. She has been a member of Branch 146 NAPS for over 17 years and is happily retired since 2016. This is her 5th term as Sergeant-At-Arms.

Bernice Scrivens


Bernice began her career in the US Postal service in 1970 as a Distribution Clerk at the Biscayne Annex. She was detailed to North Miami Beach and then continued her career at the General Mail Facility. She was promoted in 1983 to Supervisor of Mails and joined NAPS. After being promoted, she was detailed as Materiel Management Specialist in 1992. Bernice represented NAPS members as Vice President and served as Sergeant at Arms at the local and national level since 1983. She retired in 2008 and continues serving as a NAPS officer.

Joan Meadors


Joan began her postal career in 1964 as a clerk in outgoing mail, was promoted to Supervisor in 1983 and retired in 1993. She has been a member of NAPS since her promotion. Since 1993 she has been a Parliamentarian and has served NAPS at the local and state levels through the present. She has assisted in writing changes to the Constitution and Bylaws and whatever else the branch might need.

Ray Maytin

Plant Vice President


North Area Vice President

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